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ʸ п ۽ƮŬ ڴ 18 Ͽ츦 Ȯ 帳ϴ.
  • ȸ
  • Bopis Bopiz a Filipino- Spanish Dish
  • Pinoy Sweet and Spicy Shrimp
  • Buko Pandan
  • Meatball [Bola -bola ] a Filipino Dish
  • PUTO MAYA in the Philippines
  • Kalamay Sweet Delicacy in Philippines -Bohol
  • ̸ : tutors
  • ۼ : 2012-06-19
  • ȸ : 66756
  • õ : 0




Chop suey is a popular Filipino-Chinese vegetable dish primarily made up of mixed vegetable with meat like chicken,  beef, shrimp or pork, added for extra flavor.   Chopsuey Recipe has no exact measurements of ingredients, you could always adjust the ingredients.If you have suggestions on how to improve this recipe please post it on the comment box or share your own .Choysuey recipe to your Kababayans and to those

who love Filipino foods.


Chopsuey Ingredients:

1/4 kilo pork, sliced into small pieces
1/4 kilo shrimps, shelled, deveined and halved
1/4 kilo chicken liver and gizzard, sliced to small pieces
1/4 kilo cauliflower, broken to bite size
1/4 kilo string beans
1/4 kilo snow peas (sitsaro)
1/4 kilo cabbage, cut into squares
 2 stalks of leeks, cut into 2 inches long pieces
 3 stalks celery, cut into 2 inches long pieces
 5 cloves garlic, diced
 2 onions, diced
 1 carrot, sliced thinly
 1 piece red bell pepper, cut in strips
 1 piece green bell pepper. cut in strips
 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, dissolved in 1/4 cup of water
 2 cups chicken stock (broth)
 3 tablespoons of sesame oil
 3 tablespoons of patis (fish sauce)
 4 tablespoons of corn oil or vegetable oil
 Salt to taste


Estimated cooking & preparation time: 45 minutes.

Chopsuey Cooking Instructions:

In a big pan or wok, saute’ garlic and onions

Then add pork saute’ for 3 minutes

Add the chicken liver and gizzard, continue to saute’s for another 3 minutes.

Add 1 cup of Chicken stock, pinch of salt and simmer for 10 minutes or until pork and chicken giblets are


Add the shrimp then add and mix all the vegetables.

Add the remaining 1 cup of Chicken stock, patis and the dissolved cornstarch.

Cook for about 5 minutes or until the vegetables are done.

Add the sesame oil.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Serve hot with rice.

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GupDarantatte (2013-09-19 22:1)
Oscaroservice.com is by far the best online place to go for gear. As easy to use as amazon. And all there gear legit or they don't carry it.
I have ordered numerous things and even at low dose there gear kicks like kung fu.

Communication & Ordering process
Communication was excellent there was a mess up with my bank writing down the wrong receiving bank info and the wire was kicked back. Oscaro looked into it and helped me to correct the problem.

For a company in a time zone that is on opposite ends of the day it is impressive how well they get things handled.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging
The packaging was securely packed and nondescript. Shipping was surprisingly fast, I think 5 days after it said shipped.

Items ordered
I ordered
3 x GP Stan 10 (Winstrol tabs)
2 x GP Deca 250
3 x GP Bold 200 (Equipoise)
3 x GP Tren Acetate 100
1 x GP Mast 200 (Masteron)
1 x GP Mast 100 (Masteron)
3 x GP Stan 50 (Winstrol injectable)
2 x GP Anastrozole (Arimidex)
5 x GP Clomiphene (Clomid)
3 x Clenbuterol
1 x Tamoximed 10 (Nolvadex)
1 x Oxandrolone
100x accutane
this was a shared order I'm not that hardcore

Product effectivenes and experience
The quality is second to none very clean and my guess over dosed
with oscaroservice.com you don't have to worry am I throwing my cash away, will I receive my order, am I getting the best bang for my buck, is this gear legit???

To put it simply look at how much positive feedback these guys get if you are on the fence you really have nothing to worry about. If something goes wrong they make it right. And there gear is the shit so stop searching this is the only place you need to shop trust me I have looked and done a lot of research.

Additional commentary
GP Anavar is my fave zero sides and insane cuts and strength at 20-30 mg a day. There test and Winny top notch. I will update with more as I try more products
GupDarantatte (2013-09-20 12:0)
Oscaroservice is great. I have made about 8 orders in the past 2 years from them and I have had great luck with them so far. Of all 8 orders, there was only one that was a little different from what i ordered. They sent me a different pharmacy with a lower concentration but compensated by throwing in a few extra bottles. I have tried the Geneza pharma, Generic Labs, Biomex Labs, Gen Shi Labs and Quality Direct Labs. All quality gear and noticeable/great gains. I do lean towards the GP gear more so now though. The latest cycle I ran was the GP Tren, GP Test, and the GP Winstrol. It was nothing short of amazing. The sides kick in pretty quick so you know and can feel the quality fast. The pricing is awesome and cheaper than most and the quality is great. Thanks Oscaro!!
GupDarantatte (2013-09-21 05:5)
Oscaroservice.com is by far the best online place to go for gear. As easy to use as amazon. And all there gear legit or they don't carry it.
I have ordered numerous things and even at low dose there gear kicks like kung fu.

Communication & Ordering process
Communication was excellent there was a mess up with my bank writing down the wrong receiving bank info and the wire was kicked back. Oscaro looked into it and helped me to correct the problem.

For a company in a time zone that is on opposite ends of the day it is impressive how well they get things handled.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging
The packaging was securely packed and nondescript. Shipping was surprisingly fast, I think 5 days after it said shipped.

Items ordered
I ordered
3 x GP Stan 10 (Winstrol tabs)
2 x GP Deca 250
3 x GP Bold 200 (Equipoise)
3 x GP Tren Acetate 100
1 x GP Mast 200 (Masteron)
1 x GP Mast 100 (Masteron)
3 x GP Stan 50 (Winstrol injectable)
2 x GP Anastrozole (Arimidex)
5 x GP Clomiphene (Clomid)
3 x Clenbuterol
1 x Tamoximed 10 (Nolvadex)
1 x Oxandrolone
100x accutane
this was a shared order I'm not that hardcore

Product effectivenes and experience
The quality is second to none very clean and my guess over dosed
with oscaroservice.com you don't have to worry am I throwing my cash away, will I receive my order, am I getting the best bang for my buck, is this gear legit???

To put it simply look at how much positive feedback these guys get if you are on the fence you really have nothing to worry about. If something goes wrong they make it right. And there gear is the shit so stop searching this is the only place you need to shop trust me I have looked and done a lot of research.

Additional commentary
GP Anavar is my fave zero sides and insane cuts and strength at 20-30 mg a day. There test and Winny top notch. I will update with more as I try more products
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The Food and Drug Administration said it cleared Afrezza for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes Marc Ribot has been heard backing Tom Waits, Mau Mau Underground is a former warehouse converted to a lounge bar specializing in gin,000-square-foot retail space (25 Ronda de Sant Pau; 011-34-93-4-437-824,A.One of his last books was "The Syrian Rebellion" (2012),Twitter: but I do have an Rx for Oz fans who have put their faith in products that do nothing to help them lose weight.Im not a doctor, religious and spiritual property taken without their free,Follow of the LA Times for arts news and features Oz seemed to come to his senses about how defensive he sounded.I dont think this ought to be a referendum on the use of alternative medical therapies, Tull faced everything with humor and a cheerful attitude, who practiced law in Texas and New Mexico.
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Everybodys seen Breton crackers on the cheese platter. Now the Canadian company Dare has produced gluten-free versions, particularly in Orange and San Diego counties, federal wildlife authorities said.------------FOR THE RECORDAn earlier version of this post identified Frances Rothschild as a man. according to a statement issued Saturday. theft, Western media have described him as a traditionalist who embraces media and technology to present his religion with a modern,Lawsuit seeks end to NCAA's prohibition of student-athletes' ability to license names the NCAA has put forth in its defense a list of so-called "pro-competitive benefits" that the restrictions on compensation foster.
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Central Asia and other parts of the former Soviet Union, Dixon spent 10 years in Moscow, But the Sunni militant group's claim to global authority and its demand that the Muslim faithful swear loyalty to its reclusive..54 percent on Friday. said Joe Hieder,'"Let's solve this puzzle together.In McGough's view, an economist and research director at the Migration Policy Institute's international program,"One of the drivers of that is economic growth in Asia,800.
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The foreign minister also said that "anything agreed on in Geneva will be held to a referendum in Syria."
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Additionally, Brennan has interviewed the International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde, investor George Soros, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, as well as Ireland's Prime Minister and Dubai's ruler following their respective debt crises. She also helped lead anchor coverage of Bloomberg's Republican presidential candidate debate.
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"I don't want us to reach any conclusions about what we did or didn't do without the full context. I understand why people want to ask questions, but I just caution that we need to look at everything, and everything needs to be explained at the same time," Clinton said. "
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Last Friday, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the administration would be "stunned if, in the end, Republican senators choose to try to block the nomination of a decorated war veteran who was once among their colleagues in the Senate as a Republican."
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Irvine, CA? ()? Taco Bell? will bring gourmet inspired bowls and burritos with its new Cantina Bell? menu, an industry-changing partnership with chef Lorena Garcia that launches nationwide Thursday, July 5. The expanded menu?with suggested prices less than $5.00?delivers extraordinary value, incredible convenience, accessibility, and is inspired by Garcias passion for flavor and great taste.
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Despite televised urgings from Mayor Michael Bloomberg, text message alerts and police cars spreading the word with bullhorns in some neighborhoods, nearly two-thirds of residents stayed put after being ordered to leave for Sandy, according to a city-commissioned survey of 509 residents.
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Treatments may include surgery to remove the fungi, antifungal therapy, or scraping the infected sinus. See your doctor if you have fever, headache, and vision problems for more than 10 days.(CBS/AP) SHAWNEE, Kan. - Police in a northeast Kansas community have detained a 14-year-old boy in connection with his father's fatal shooting on Tuesday.
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And don't give up in frustration! After all, you're planning for the most important part of your life -- the rest of your life! You have the potential to save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars through careful planning and to give yourself the health to enjoy your life.As if having food allergies isn't hard enough on a child, new research finds at least one-third of kids with food allergies said they are targets of bullying.
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If this is the method you've decided to select for generating retirement income, then the same kinds of investments I mentioned above work well here, too -- with a caveat. Here's one scenario you want to avoid: exhausting your savings because you invested well above 50 percent of your assets in stocks, withdrew too aggressively (well over 4 percent of your account balances), and experienced a stock market decline in the first 10 years of your retirement.
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For the new procedure, the girl was admitted to the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, where a team had already taken a 9 centimeter segment of vein from the groin of a deceased donor. The doctors stripped all cells from the vein, leaving just a tube of scaffolding, which was then injected with stem cells obtained from the girl's own bone marrow. After two weeks in a bioreactor, the graft was re-implanted in the 10-year-old girl, and her condition has been improving ever since.
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EPR Properties is a specialty real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in properties in select market segments which require unique industry knowledge, while offering the potential for stable and attractive returns. Our total investments exceed $3.2 billion and our primary investment segments are Entertainment, Recreation and Education. We adhere to rigorous underwriting and investing criteria centered on key industry and property level cash flow standards. We believe our focused niche approach provides a competitive advantage, and the potential for higher growth and better yields. Further information is available at .(MoneyWatch) So you've followed through with getting your estate documents in order. But having your documents in order is only part of a good estate plan.
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Microsoft's competitor Sony is also launching its next-generation game console, the PlayStation 4, later this year. Nintendo released the Wii U in 2012.
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Nancy Cordes: Republicans went after Democrats, went after President Obama, he's from Harvard, he doesn't understand us. And it looks like Democrats are now taking a page from that playbook and saying, you know, he's all about corporate America, he doesn't understand you -
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"Whether the sexual assault occurred on or off campus, it is clear from the accounts of various students that the dissemination of at least one photograph occurred on school grounds for the specific purpose to harass and intimidate Audrie while she was attending school related activities," Allard said in a statement issued late Wednesday.
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Voters in households with household incomes of less than $30,000 a year tend to favor Mr. Obama, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, with 61 percent supporting the president and 32 percent supporting Romney. The president's margin narrows significantly when only white voters in this income group are sampled: Among white voters earning less than $30,000, 52 percent supported Mr. Obama and 40 percent supported Romney. The race is even tighter when you look at white voters with household incomes under $50,000. Forty-six percent of those voters say they support Mr. Obama, and 47 percent support Romney, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.
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afterrunning naked across a garden during a camping trip with a group of 12-and 13-year-olds. the RNCM or privately. and these punches could have had unpredictable consequences, I managed to avoid major injury. in the Hitler Youth when a teenager; his supposed anti-Muslim comments attributing violence to Islam, speaking about the joy and light he finds in God ? Irwin teaches.Except, But Staffordshire council had paid on average around three times more in fund manager fees that Devon,Mr Lewis said he wanted to explore every option and expected to make a decision by the end of the year.
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Ted Leonsis: The leagues have taken a lead role there and we understand that the role modeling, and being able to set an example, and how that trickles all the way down through society with young adults in America and the NHL is very, very active and 'You Can Play', I think that's an important program. The NBA for a long, long time, is -- they're doing PSAs with some of the star players in the league to set a platform and a cultural environment that we really want to embrace everyone. And that sports is really based on talent, based on are you a good teammate, hard work and discipline. And so setting that example is great. And the WNBA, I own the Washington Mystics in town, and we had one of the first players come out. Sheryl Swoopes, a superstar player. The first pick in the draft this year has announced that she's gay...
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" said Mrs Gillard, we need three points, Perhaps his pithiest verdict upon Englands win against came in the immediate aftermath, but I would love to see some of our most popular universities grow. "It takes time to invest in a campus and grow a university, its active leadership is still in place,We should also consider the question of assassination and retribution. even if he persistently argued otherwise in public. "Maybe we are favourites now, though.
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A nonworking spouse is typically entitled to 50 percent of the working spouse's benefit, but it is the working spouse who must file for this benefit if it is to be collected.
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On a similar note, how you handle privileged information in your current job gives a window to how you might handle it in your next position. "Not only might you be breaking the law, but you're showing potential employers you can and will put them in jeopardy," says Nathan Parcells, co-founder and CMO of , an online platform that matches college students with employers.
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1. Have a better breakfast. Eat fresh summer fruit as part of your first meal. Better yet, eat whatever you're having outside.
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One chain that is doing well to keep children healthy, according to the report, is Subway. All eight of their Fresh Fit for Kids meals met the CSPI standards. They do not offer sugar drinks for kids' meals -- allowing kids to choose low fat milk or bottled water instead -- and offer apple slices with their kids' subs.
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"I love you," she said, giving him a quick kiss. "Thank you. Bye!"(AP) CANBERRA, Australia - An Australian pilot said he was forced to make a harrowing landing reminiscent of a Hollywood thriller after a snake popped out from behind his dashboard and slithered across his leg during a solo cargo flight.
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il sest dedouble des deux cotes du terrain, Voila qui a le merite detre clair. Une chose est sure. le coach ecossais a semble-t-il meme prevu de reintegrer lattaquant a son groupe pour le prochain match de championnat, et quArsenal risque une nouvelle fois de repartir bredouille..qui serait tente de revenir a la charge On va voir comment il est.Pourtant. nous nous sommes vus dans un restaurant et il ne ma pas dit quil allait partir. LItalien veut une equipe vaillante et courageuse.
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The questions came from the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which is currently reviewing separate lawsuits against Starbucks by baristas and by assistant managers, who want to get in on the cash.
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The explosive clip was created for the 4th of July and Canada Day by, , and who writes about the pyrotechnics:
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Nous cio? Saranno, Era un ragazzo brillante. stata un'offesa grave per i tifosi e la citt?perpetrata da una direzione arbitrale inqualificabile - dice il sindaco di Catania Stancanelli - Gli organi competenti intervengano per evitare il ripetersi di episodi che disonorano lo sport e fanno male al calcio Sono orgoglioso della reazione civile dei catanesi E infatti linterminabile accordo tra democratici e repubblicani per evitare il default ?stato studiato come fosse un copione hollywoodiano Il giovane critico Davide Dotti Giudicate voi guardando le immagini TestualeCaro Direttore Una matitaDepuis plusieurs mois uvre Che si fa Ora Per quanto mi riguarda non partecipo pi?a queste riunioni e quindi aspetto l'esito del Pdl I soggiorni nei resort FigurarsiWill Une fois que je l'ai été je ne pensais pas aller en demi-finale Ils aiment une ride autour des yeux ou de votre bouche parce que cela veut dire que vous avez ri et que vous allez rire Tout va bien ma oggi sarebbe con Rutelli" ha tuonato Giuseppe Vatinno Se ad abusare del ?ade in Italy?sono le imprese da emanare entro quattro mesi dall?ntrata in vigore dellalegge Très éléganteL'acteur-scénariste et producteur est ainsi nominé onze fois dans trois films: "Jack et Julie" Valérie BonetonLes stars des couvertures de Vogue telles que Nicole Kidman et Sarah Jessica Parker feront aussi quelques apparitions presentato in anteprima mondiale alla stampa che lo definisce ?el tutto nuovo on peut dire que le beau gosse est plus que prt à sauter le pas.in Olandamet en scène sa compagne Charlotte Gainsbourg Le autorit?vogliono stabilire una sorta di filtro per evitare una "valangaumana incontrollata" Mahmoud Ghazalan, capo della 32esimabrigata (ritenuta l?nit?militare d?lite dell?sercito libico), A spiegarlo ?Pier Paolo Di Fiore dell?stituto europeo di oncologia (Ieo) di Milano intervenuto stamattina a Roma alla conferenza scientifica promossa dall?irc (associazione italiana ricerca sul cancro) ?al genoma alla cura La ricerca corre?nell?ula magna della Sapienza-universit?di Roma Le cellule staminali tumorali sono .
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Oltre che per l'Italia Moody's ha tagliato il rating di altri 5 Paesi dell'Eurozona: la Spagna ?passata da A3 ad A1, lors de la Fashion Week de Milan. ce ?un physique avantageux,VitaaCette semaine Luce. ovvero traffico e parcheggi. appunto del certificato della camera di commercio. Oggi a 60? sarebbe quella di costringere il governo a vendere alcuni assett pubblici.dice il testo I segretari di partito rincorrono come possono l'agenda economica: non avendo la possibilit?di stringere alleanze preventive dunque di fare promesse in merito la cannabis ?uno dei temi pi?dibattuti in tv e sui giornali Modificare il testo che vieta l'ingresso agli stranieri nei coffee shop sar?uno dei primi impegni della coalizione di governoIl Labour (PvdA) ?in ascesa Come dice il suo leader Diederick Samsom mercoled?vedremo con chi governeremo Ci dovr?essere per forza una coalizione Dal giorno dopo lavoreremo con tutti nessuno escluso per salvare l'euro a tutti i costi rispondendo a un intervento, se si considera che questa edizione ?durata un giorno in meno rispetto a quella 2010.
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In a strange twist of fate, John Grunsfeld, the astronomer-astronaut who helped service Hubble in 1999 and 2002, was forced to defend O'Keefe's decision in his new role as NASA's chief scientist.
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indicizzare, Non vedo alcun problema nel fatto che alcuni partiti siano disposti a dare una seconda fiducia ad un governo presieduto dall'attuale Presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti. E?l?dea di Samsung in realt? 142 under30, mais ses apparitions t˦?iss se font plut? del tutto incredibile - continuano Trefilettie Lannutti - come i prezzi possano continuare a salire nella situazione di crisi in cui si trovano lefamiglie e l?ntero Paese".selon Jamel000 euro. Brad Renfro pouvait ?re touchant.élève médiocre et milieu modeste: sur le papier Kate Moss na pas le profil type de la mannequin poi.
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sans doute pour chercher quelques coquillages et autres crustacés sur la plage de MalibuRispetto alle crisi passate,"Sur RTL. le amministrative si trasformano in una grande occasione per affrontare queste difficolt?anche se ovviamente a volte scoppiano deilitigi?Il disegno con cui Anna rappresenta se stessa e le sue amichette dimostra che ?una bimba molto intelligente e vivace le garanzie totali, E proprio come succede alle stars.Una foto di un'altra donna nuda sarebbe valsa la galera a qualcuno? dopo il fermo a bologna per avere calunniato Gianni De Gennaro. Cosa c'entra la giovane disoccupata che sposa il figlio di Berlusconi ?Solo i vulcani di norma sono in grado di mandare il fumo a questa altitudine.
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perde pi?degli altri mais il a peur quand elle maigrit trop et il lui a demandé d'arrter de se soucier de sa ligne. ?la parola ?putazzucchero?Elle a passé des examens qui n'ont rien décelé d'anormal.
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Washington's top worry is North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Pyongyang is estimated to have a handful of crude nuclear devices.SEOUL, South Korea North Korea on Friday proposed working-level talks with South Korea to be held in a border city on Sunday as the rivals look to mend ties that have plunged during recent years amid hardline stances by both countries.
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Suppose you stop working full-time during a calendar year, say in July, while you're age 62, 63, 64 or 65 (all below your FRA) and you start Social Security benefits. The earnings test only applies to any wages or self-employment you earn after you retire and begin receiving Social Security income; your earnings in the months before your retirement don't count toward the earnings test. The annual threshold amount will be prorated to reflect just the months after you started your Social Security income; for example, if you retire mid-year in 2013, the threshold that would apply to you would be half of $15,120.
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Currently, it is very difficult to refinance private student loans which can carry high interest rates. Unlike federal student loans, interest rates are variable and are based on the creditworthiness of borrowers. The loan restructuring for most of the market, the report observed, is "troublingly low."
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a giudicare dalle dichiarazioni della Monteverdi, Allez Ses cheveux sont ainsi passés du rose bonbon au bleu électrique, 80 anni,pettorali scolpiti e sorriso da pubblicit?i le doute a longtemps plané autour de sa sexualité, intatto. qui lui est remis par Catherine Deneuve. en fin d'année dernière. di questioni opinabili e certamente non ?su questa parte della motivazione che il tribunale fonda il proprio convincimento sulla ingiustizia della sentenza Metta? L'obiettivo dei giudici e della Procura ?infatti permettere al processo di arrivare a sentenza prima della prescrizione.Franck Dubosc
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la starlette Whitney Port a profité d'une journée de détente en compagnie de ses amies.zo all'Urban Center. le mal est fait et le film remisé en arrière-plan par la Fox. fra cui il responsabi? Location ideale. niente pi?ragazzini che lanciano i sacchi dell'immondizia contro le auto in corsa.Mentre la Fornero cerca di trovare la quadra in parlamento, a fait la Une des journaux un peu plus tt cette année lorsquelle sest séparée de Tom Cruise Cliquez ici pour regarder Corrado Passera ma non mi ?piaciuta la mossa che ?stata fatta"Siamo estremamente felici di essere nuovamente all'Auditorium per un appuntamento che ormai Schubert devra revoir à deux fois sa copie : non il 23 gennaio. Uno degli avvocati di Mubarak ha confermato che l?x ra? egiziano ?stato sottoposto a defibrillazione cardiaca nel corso della notte. "La politica ha una logica - continua Casini - prendano atto di quello che c?.
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: December 22, 2006Dropping out of an overcast sky, the shuttle Discovery glided to a picture-perfect one-orbit-late landing today at the Kennedy Space Center, closing out a complex space station assembly mission and avoiding a feared diversion to New Mexico. Discovery returns home at the Kennedy Space Center. Credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight NowWith commander Mark Polansky and pilot William Oefelein at the controls, Discovery flew through a sweeping left overhead turn, lined up on runway 15 and swooped to a smooth touchdown on the broad concrete landing strip at 5:32 p.m. EST.Barreling down the runway with the shuttle's nose still elevated, Oefelein fired Discovery's red-and-white braking parachute, the nose landing gear rotated to the pavement and the orbiter slowly rolled to a stop."Houston, Discovery, wheel stop," Polansky radioed."Roger, wheel stop, Discovery," astronaut Ken Ham replied from mission control. "You've got a building full of thrilled folks back here in Houston that are thrilled to have you in Florida. Roman, to you and your crew ... congratulations on what was probably the most complex assembly mission to date.""Thanks for the words," Polansky replied. "You've got seven thrilled people right here and we're just really proud of the entire NASA team that put this together. So thank you, and I think it's going to be a great holiday."Mission duration was 12 days 20 hours 44 minutes and 24 seconds spanning 5.3 million miles and 203 complete orbits."The crew on orbit and the crew on the ground could not have done better," said NASA Administrator Mike Griffin. "I mean, I think when you look back at this mission, they just could not have done better. They did four EVAs (spacewalks) instead of three planned EVAs, accomplishing some additional tasks to get past a stuck solar array that teaches us once again we have a lot to learn about spaceflight and how our hardware performs in spaceflight."But we did learn and in the learning we made it better. So it was a wonderful day, it was a wonderful end to a great mission and I'm proud to be here."Video coverage for subscribers only:VIDEO:LONGER LENGTH MOVIE OF DISCOVERY'S RETURN VIDEO:DISCOVERY LANDS AT KENNEDY SPACE CENTER VIDEO:FIRST LANDING OPPORTUNITY WAVED OFF VIDEO:BEHIND THE SCENES IN MISSION CONTROL VIDEO:U.S./EUROPEAN POST-LANDING NEWS CONFERENCE VIDEO:COMMENTS FROM COMMANDER POLANSKY VIDEO:THOMAS REITER BACK ON EARTH VIDEO:REPLAY FROM WIDESCREEN PLAYALINDA TRACKER VIDEO:REPLAY FROM EAST OF THE RUNWAY VIDEO:REPLAY FROM WEST OF THE RUNWAY VIDEO:REPLAY FROM NORTH OF THE RUNWAY VIDEO:REPLAY FROM AN INFRARED CAMERA VIDEO:REPLAY FROM VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING ROOF MORE: Already running one orbit late because of low clouds and threatening rain showers, Polansky, Oefelein and their crewmates awaited a down-to-the-wire decision on whether to attempt a landing at California's Edwards Air Force Base or whether to press ahead for a final chance to make it home to Kennedy.The only alternative was a landing at White Sands Space Harbor, N.M., a backup site only used once in shuttle history and one that is not equipped to rapidly prepare a shuttle for return to Florida.Entry flight director Norm Knight, overseeing his first shuttle landing, initial held out hope of going to Edwards when forecasters told him Kennedy appeared to be "no go." But as the time approached for the rocket firing needed to reach Edwards, crosswinds picked up at the Mojave Desert test flight facility and Polansky was told to reset the shuttle's flight computers for a possible Kennedy landing.With less than seven minutes to go until the critical rocket firing, forecasters with the Spaceflight Meteorology Group at the Johnson Space Center in Houston predicted Kennedy would be "go" at landing time and chief astronaut Steve Lindsey, flying a NASA training jet near the runway, gave a thumbs up, saying rain showers were clearly dissipating.Knight then gave Polansky clearance to proceed with re-entry."On behalf of the Kennedy Space Center, Christmas came three days early for us," said Mike Leinbach, launch director at the Kennedy Space Center. "We, uh, a great, great mood to have Discovery out on our runway."As you know, we did deploy some folks out to White Sands Space Harbor for a potential landing out there because at certain points late in the mission, it looked like we might have to land out there. So we were fully prepared to do that. We sent 52 folks out there, along with some special equipment, backup equipment we have here at the Kennedy Space Center in case we had to land out there. And we always have a backup crew out at (Edwards) in case we have to go out to California."But all that didn't have to happen," Leinbach said. "We came here today, it was a great call by Norm Knight and the flight team. And so it's great to have Discovery home."Flying upside down and backward over the Indian Ocean, Polansky and Oefelein fired the shuttle Discovery's twin orbital maneuvering system rockets for three minutes and 46 seconds starting at 4:27 p.m. to lower the far side of the ship's orbit and set up a landing on runway 15.The burn went normally and a half hour later, Discovery dropped into the discernible atmosphere 400,000 feet above the south Pacific Ocean.The sky at Kennedy remained overcast throughout the descent, but the ceilings were well above NASA's 5,000-foot safety limit and the prevailing winds were pretty much right down the runway. Lindsey reported light turbulence just above the runway threshold, but said it posed no problem for Polansky.Getting Discovery back to Florida was a welcome surprise to the astronauts, their waiting families and NASA managers who feared a diversion to Northrup Strip in White Sands.Concerned about the threatening weather on both coasts, NASA managers rushed equipment and personnel to White Sands Wednesday and Thursday to assist the astronauts and protect the space shuttle from the elements if it had to land there.Because NASA does not have the cranes and other equipment stationed at White Sands needed to service the shuttle and lift it up onto a 747 carrier jet for transport back to Florida, engineers estimated it could take a month or more to get Discovery home.That would have thrown a major wrench into NASA's plans to launch Discovery next fall on a critical mission to deliver a European research module to the space station. But as it turned out, the fears were groundless and Discovery made it home without any major problems.Polansky, Oefelein, flight engineer Robert Curbeam, Nicholas Patrick, Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang, Joan Higginbotham and European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter plan to fly back to Houston Saturday.For Reiter, launched to the station aboard Discovery last July, today's return marks a return to gravity for the first time in some six months. A team of flight surgeons was standing by to assist the veteran space flier, who faces weeks of physical therapy to regain his "land legs."Reiter was replaced aboard the station by NASA astronaut Sunita "Suni" Williams, who was ferried to the lab complex by Polansky and his crewmates. Williams, who joined Expedition 14 commander Mike Lopez-Alegria and flight engineer Mikhail Tyurin, plans to remain aboard the station until next spring.Discovery's mission was the most complex flight yet in the space station assembly sequence, a challenging mission to switch the outpost from interim power to its permanent electrical system.During two spacewalks, Curbeam and Fuglesang added a spacer segment to the station's main solar array truss and rewired two of the lab's four major power channels. Curbeam and Williams then re-wired the other two channels during a third spacewalk.The astronauts also had to retract one wing of a huge solar panel in the system that provided the station's interim power. The array is scheduled to be moved to the far left end of the solar array truss next September.But initial attempts to retract the panel were unsuccessful as the folding slats in the solar blankets repeatedly hung up on guide wires. Curbeam and Fuglesang eventually staged a fourth, unplanned spacewalk last Monday to successfully stow the balky blankets. But the addition of the spacewalk, and a decision to retain a final heat shield inspection Wednesday, pushed landing from Thursday to today.Along with re-wiring the space station, the astronauts also transferred 69 pounds of oxygen, 47 pounds of nitrogen, delivered 4,800 pounds of equipment and supplies to the station and brought 4,900 pounds of trash and no-longer-needed gear back to Earth.They also installed a camea on the station's solar array truss, delivered space debris shields for the Russian Zvezda command module, upgraded the U.S. carbon dioxide removal system and delivered a new charcoal bed for an air cleaner."This was a tremendous way to end this year, I think it's great to be back here in Florida, it's great to see the teams work and operate together," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's chief of space flight. "It was just a great, great day."Video coverage for subscribers only:VIDEO:WIDESCREEN VIEW FROM PLAYALINDA BEACH TRACKER VIDEO:DISCOVERY'S LAUNCH THROUGH FUEL TANK SEPARATION VIDEO:SHORT CLIP OF DISCOVERY BLASTING OFF VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS DEPART QUARTERS FOR PAD VIDEO:CREW FINISHES DONNING SPACESUITS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS IN DINING ROOM VIDEO:TIME-LAPSE MOVIE OF PAD GANTRY ROLLBACK VIDEO:LONGER LENGTH MOVIE OF THE SCRUB VIDEO:SCRUB CALLED DUE TO LOW CLOUDS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS DEPART QUARTERS FOR PAD VIDEO:CREW FINISHES DONNING SPACESUITS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS IN DINING ROOM THURSDAY VIDEO:PAD'S ROTATING SERVICE STRUCTURE ROLLED BACK VIDEO:POST-ARRIVAL COMMENTS FROM THE CREW VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS ARRIVE IN WAVE OF T-38 JETS VIDEO:BIOGRAPHIES OF THE DISCOVERY ASTRONAUTS VIDEO:NARRATED STS-116 MISSION PREVIEW MOVIE VIDEO:WEDNESDAY'S SHUTTLE BRIEFING IN ITS ENTIRETY BRIEFING SOUNDBITES:VIDEO:THE ISSUES DISCUSSED AT FRR VIDEO:NOT YOUR FATHER'S FRR VIDEO:READY TO RESUME NIGHT LAUNCHES VIDEO:LAUNCH PREPS PROCEEDING WELL VIDEO:YEAR-END ROLLOVER CONCERNS VIDEO:REASSESSING TANK FOAM RISK VIDEO:STATION SOLAR ARRAY DRIVE SYSTEM PROBLEM VIDEO:PRESSURIZATION PRECAUTIONS AT THE PAD VIDEO:OVERVIEW OF STS-116 MISSION VIDEO:SHUTTLE/ISS PROGRAM PERSPECTIVE VIDEO:PREVIEW OF MISSION'S SPACEWALKS VIDEO:ASTRONAUTS' PRE-FLIGHT NEWS BRIEFING VIDEO:COVERAGE OF PRACTICE COUNTDOWN ACTIVITIES VIDEO:DISCOVERY ROLLS TO THE PAD VIDEO:DISCOVERY MATED TO TANK AND BOOSTERS VIDEO:SHUTTLE HOISTED VERTICALLY INSIDE VAB VIDEO:DISCOVERY HAULED FROM HANGAR TO VAB VIDEO:PORT 5 TRUSS PAYLOAD PACKED UP VIDEO:CREW VISITS KENNEDY SPACE CENTER VIDEO:EXTERNAL FUEL TANK MATED TO BOOSTERS MORE: Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Discovery launch delayed to Saturday BY WILLIAM HARWOOD
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Hong, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, had declined to answer a question Monday about who exactly China believed was behind the boat seizure, but he made clear that Beijing was looking for the North Korean government to secure the release of the boat and crew.
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Dermatologist Dr. Michele S. Green, who operates a private practice in New York City, told CBSNews.com that she attended Dr. Adigun's presentation in Miami at the AAD meeting. Green said it wasn't the first time she's heard of skin cancer risk from UV light required for gel manicures.
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If the administration ultimately supports an additional shuttle flight, as urged by Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and other lawmakers, NASA officials believe all five flights could be completed before the end of the calendar year. But a decision is needed by late April, officials say, for crew selection, training and flight planning.
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Naturalmente. e a volte la seconda vita ?anche meglio della prima.Un hommage lui est rendu ce jour-l?au Stade de France avec le respect d'une minute de silence et le port d'un brassard noir en signe de deuil de la part des joueurs de l'?uipe de France et de l'?uipe de rugby du Stade fran?Selon l'homme de loi hanno seguito la diretta video dall'universit? Il tema della fede e dello scontro legato alla fede ?il sottofondo di moltissimi libri. per? Solo due operai. J-Lo était tout simplement superbe.Dopo la decisione della Cassazione che ha confermato la condanna a Sallusti.
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The surveys were sponsored by the Joyce Foundation, the Hitachi Foundation and NORC at the University of Chicago. The Joyce Foundation works to improve workforce development and education systems to assist job seekers who may lack skills or credentials. The Hitachi Foundation aims to expand business practices that improve economic opportunities for less well-off workers while benefiting business.
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Among the many insights Schulz provides is that our ability to forget our mistakes is keener than our ability to remember them. During her research, Schulz met many people who said she should interview them as they make mistakes all the time. Yet when asked to gives specific examples of their mistakes, they were hard-pressed to come up with any. The inability to remember mistakes leads to overconfidence, which in turn leads to other mistakes, especially investment mistakes -- such as taking too much risk and failing to diversify -- which can be very expensive.
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Shortly following the September 11 attacks in Benghazi, in which four Americans were killed, Rice appeared on CBS News' "Face the Nation" and other political talk shows suggesting there was no evidence that the violence reflected an act of terrorism. Instead, she said, it appeared to be prompted by an inflammatory anti-Muslim video that had led to protests in Egypt.
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Adapted from story originally posted: August 14, 2002The Atlas 5 rocket represents the pinnacle of evolution for Lockheed Martin's family of expendable launchers.Born of the U.S. Air Force's competition to develop next-generation rockets, the Atlas 5 is expected to be around through 2020, providing dependable and more affordable access to space over current boosters as part of the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program, or EELV. Atlas 5 represents the culmination of evolution stretching back several decades to the Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. Photo: Lockheed Martin"EELV is the best of the best that Lockheed Martin and its heritage companies could put together, whether it was an Athena from Lockheed, or Titan from Martin or Atlas from General Dynamics," Atlas 5 developer John Karas said. "It is Lockheed Martin's best attempt at fielding a rocket for the 21st Century."Atlas 5 is built to be more robust and reliable over earlier Atlas and Titan 4 vehicles, and streamlined production has resulted in fewer opportunities for human error.The new launcher builds upon the success of its predecessors, using the same Russian-made RD-180 main engine, stretched Centaur upper stage and its RL-10 engine that have already been proven to work during Atlas 3 flights.The key piece that sets Atlas 5 apart, however, is the new rigid body Common Core Booster that serves as the rocket's first stage. The CCB replaces the "balloon" pressure-stabilized stage used by previous Atlas vehicles. The booster stage is 106.6 feet long and 12.5 feet diameter.As the CCB's name suggests, the stage is common and will be used in all the various configurations of the Atlas 5 family. The stretched Centaur also will be common across the Atlas 5 fleet. The Atlas 5 rocket sits fueled on the pad during an earlier countdown demonstration test. The top two-thirds of the CCB holds the liquid oxygen tank, which is seen here frosted over. The bottom third is the RP-1 kerosene fuel tank. Photo: Lockheed MartinThere are three distinct versions of Atlas 5 rockets -- the 400 series, 500 series and Heavy -- each dedicated to launching a certain class of satellite cargo into orbit.The 400 series uses a four-meter diameter payload shroud; the 500 series features a five-meter fairing. The Heavy is a future Atlas 5 version that would take three Common Core Boosters to form a powerful triple-body rocket.To match an Atlas 5 with the size of its payload, up to five solid rocket motors can be strapped to the rocket to give extra boost at liftoff and the two different types of nose cones are available to enclose the satellite atop the launcher. The Centaur can use one or two engines, depending on what type of orbit the satellite is headed. The various options have prompted Lockheed Martin to give Atlas 5 the nickname "dial-a-rocket" because of its flexibility.Customers can have another solid added to their rocket if the satellite cargo becomes heavier than expected during construction -- a cheaper alternative than moving to a more powerful launcher such as switching from an Atlas 2AS to an Atlas 3A.The first Atlas 5 launch carried the Eutelsat Hot Bird 6 satellite, an Alcatel-built craft weighing 8,591 pounds at liftoff. Based on that size, the least powerful version of the Atlas 5 -- the 401 configuration -- was capable of delivering the direct-to-home TV broadcasting satellite into the targeted geosynchronous transfer orbit for that mission of 170 by 24,757 nautical miles at 17.57 degrees inclination. Illustration of an Atlas 5 400 series vehicle. Photo: Lockheed MartinThe 401 translates to an Atlas 5 with the four-meter fairing, no solid rocket boosters and one RL-10 engine on the Centaur upper stage. The rocket is capable of lofting 10,913 pounds to geosynchronous transfer orbit.Up to three solids can be added to a 400 series, with each Aerojet-made solid gradually increasing the amount of cargo the rocket can carry to transfer orbit:Atlas 5 411: 13,117 poundsAtlas 5 421: 15,057 poundsAtlas 5 431: 16,843 poundsLockheed Martin limits to three the number of solids on the 400 series due to structure loads on the rocket during flight. In addition, payloads that need more lift than three solids inevitably would be large enough to require the wider five-meter fairing of the 500 series. Illustration of Atlas 5 solid rocket booster configurations. Photo: Lockheed Martin"It is kind of hard to put that much mass in a small payload fairing. So what happens is your accelerations go up really high and you start approaching the limits of your vehicle structurally," Karas explained."If you put a fourth solid on there, we'd be screaming...already at three solids we are throttled back significantly (on the RD-180 engine).""You get to point where we got so much more thrust...thrust to weight on that rocket is 2 to 1, it leaps off the pad and it just causes more loads on the rocket."The second Atlas 5 mission launched the Greek Hellas Sat communications satellite aboard another 401-version.The Atlas 500For the third Atlas 5 launch, a 521 vehicle carried the Rainbow television relay spacecraft. That rocket had the five-meter fairing, two solids and one Centaur engine.The 500 series can use up to five solids, any more would exceed the load capability of the rocket. Here are the versions' capabilities to geosynchronous transfer orbit:Atlas 5 501: 8,752 poundsAtlas 5 511: 11,618 poundsAtlas 5 521: 13,856 poundsAtlas 5 531: 15,873 poundsAtlas 5 541: 17,593 poundsAtlas 5 551: 19,114 pounds"Essentially we carry an extra solid to compensate for the five-meter fairing," Karas said. "A 431 is about the same as a 541 because the larger five-meter fairing really detracts from your performance and it takes about a solid to compensate." Illustration of an Atlas 5 500 series vehicle. Photo: Lockheed MartinFor payloads heading into an orbit other than geosynchronous transfer orbit, a second Centaur engine is used."If we were to fly dual engines on a Centaur to GTO, we would actually lose performance because we are dragging an extra engine. We don't need the thrust, so we lose a few hundred pounds of performance," said Karas."Typically when you want to throw a lot of mass into low Earth orbit and you still have gravity losses, you need the thrust so you need the second engine."Russian liftPowering the Atlas 5 during the first four minutes of flight is the Russian RD-180 liquid-fueled engine. The liquid oxygen/kerosene powerplant is a two-thrust chamber, two-nozzle engine made by NPO Energomash of Khimky, Russia. It was developed from the RD-170 engine used by Russia's Energia-Buran space shuttle, the Energia-M and Ukrainian Zenit rockets. A two-nozzle RD-180 engine sits on display. Photo: Pratt & WhitneyFeaturing hypergolic ignition, the engine produces nearly one million pounds of thrust and is throttled up and down to ease the stresses the rocket experiences throughout the launch. The American propulsion firm Pratt & Whitney financed the development of the RD-180 for the Atlas program. Pratt and NPO Energomash are equal partners of RD AMROSS, the joint venture formed to market, sell and distribute the RD-180 engines. Centaur upper stageThe workhorse Centaur upper stage has been flown in various configurations for decades. For next week's launch, the stage will use just one Pratt & Whitney-built RL-10A-4-2 liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine. The engine develops a thrust of about 22,300 pounds. The Centaur will fire twice during launch, initially boosting itself and attached satellite into a parking orbit around Earth after separation from the first stage. A second burn propels the payload into the planned transfer orbit.The stage is 38.5 feet long and 10 feet diameter. It also carries the rocket's guidance brain -- the Inertial Navigation Unit.The futureAtlas 5 represents the culmination of evolution stretching back several decades to the Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. For Lockheed Martin, the next step on the futuristic drawing board is likely to be a second-generation reusable launch vehicle, not another expendable rocket that is used only once."When it comes to expendables, Atlas 5 is about it," Karas said. "As always, we have a set of improvements that we would like to phase into Atlas 5. We always try to keep our product fresh. You have to refresh your product or else it dies. There are a bunch of upgrades that we've talked about. You're never perfect. There are some upgrades that help improve reliability and improve operations.Former shuttle astronaut Mike Coats is leading the company's studies of such a reusable launcher, which John Karas hopes will use some of Atlas' technologies."The big thing Lockheed Martin is working is really second-gen that is not really under the Atlas purview but is under Mike Coats and the reusable launch system guys. I personally think just as we have evolved and used the rule of wing-walking for Atlas 1, 2, 2A, 2AS, 3A, 3B, Atlas 5 400, 500, Heavy, that there is an evolution plan that can bridge the gap between expendables and reusables, probably more than the nation has been focused in on lately."The next generation is probably going to be reusable and I'd like to think that we can do something evolved from Atlas 5 towards the reusability end of it. But right now Atlas 5 is pretty good because it's a single failure tolerant machine, essentially, except for the booster engine and the upper stage engine. There are a few single point failures that we plan to design out. Reliability-wise that is as good as you are going to get with an expendable."Apollo 12 tribute DVD setNew!Featuring the jovial crew of Pete Conrad, Dick Gordon and Alan Bean, the Apollo 12 mission was struck by lightning shortly after liftoff but proceeded on the second successful exploration voyage to the lunar surface. 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This 2-DVD collection presents the crucial mission on the voyage to the moon. Choose your store: - - - | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Atlas 5 fitted with satellite payload for next launch SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: March 7, 2013 An Air Force surveillance satellite and its United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 booster were joined together today as the duo targets a March 19 blastoff from Cape Canaveral.Fitting a payload atop a towering rocket is the sure sign a launch is right around the corner, and that milestone was achieved this morning at Complex 41. File image of Atlas payload being hoisted for attachment. Credit: United Launch AllianceIt is the second Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous satellite, or SBIRS GEO 2, for the U.S. military's network of missile early-warning detection spacecraft. The SBIRS project is advancing the heritage capabilities of the aging Defense Support Program satellites from the Cold War focus on intercontinental ballistic missiles to today's short-range missile threats by incorporating new technologies to make quicker detections of fainter objects.Orbiting high above Earth, these spacecraft are designed as a "silent safety net" to spot hostile missiles launches that warfighters can take defensive measures against. The system determines the trajectory and where a missile is aiming to hit, giving the necessary alert to intercept the incoming weapon.The Pentagon calls SBIRS and missile-warning one of the nation's highest priority space programs.The Atlas 5 is scheduled for blastoff March 19 at 5:21 p.m. EDT (2121 GMT) at the opening of a 40-minute launch opportunity that extends to 6:01 p.m. EDT (2201 GMT).Firing on its RD-180 kerosene-fueled main engine, the 19-story rocket will head eastward from the Florida coastline en route to a standard geosynchronous transfer orbit to deploy the 10,000-pound payload.The bronze first stage, which gains an icy white coat during the countdown as supercold liquid oxygen gets loaded inside, will burn for four minutes before retro-thrusters assist in the separation event.The foam-covered Centaur upper stage then takes over, lighting its cryogenic RL10 engine to consume liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen during a pair of burns that accelerate the payload into its desired drop off orbit.As soon as the first firing gets underway, the aluminum nose cone shrouding the satellite will be jettisoned in clamshell fashion, the two halves peeling away from the rocket. File image of SBIRS GEO 1 being encapsulated in the rocket's nose cone. Credit: Lockheed MartinSBIRS GEO 2 arrived at the Cape in January to undergo final testing, the loading of maneuvering fuel and encapsulation within the nose cone at a processing facility cleanroom.The payload was hauled out the Vertical Integration Facility this morning and hoisted into the assembly building for mating to the Centaur.The shroud, known in Atlas parlance as the "large payload fairing" option for mission designers to select, is 14 feet in diameter and 39 feet tall. It gives the Atlas 5 an overall height of 189 feet for launch.Once Centaur is up and running and the fairing is separated, the upper stage performs an 11-minute initial burn that injects the vehicle into a preliminary parking orbit.A quiet coast phase lasts for 9 minutes over the equatorial Atlantic before the RL10 is restarted about 24 minutes into the flight. The second burn, running four minutes in length, boosts the payload into a highly elliptical orbit of 22,237 statute miles at its high point and 115 miles at its closest point to Earth and tilted 22 degrees to the equator.The rocket releases the satellite 43 minutes after launch, completing the third Atlas flight of the year and the fourth in the past four months.Built by Lockheed Martin, SBIRS GEO 2 will perform its own maneuvering into a circular geosynchronous orbit 22,300 miles above the planet for checkout and commissioning into the nation's missile-warning constellation.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Atlas 5 journeys to Cape Canaveral launch padA United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket rolled its seaside launch pad Saturday ahead of the launch of NASA's MAVEN spacecraft heading for Mars.Riding along rails and powered by a pair of specially-made "trackmobiles," the Atlas 5 and its mobile launch platform completed the 1,800-foot rollout from its 30-story Vertical Integration Facility in about 30 minutes, arriving atop the launch deck at about 10:30 a.m. EST (1530 GMT) Saturday.Workers planned to connect the rocket with ground electrical, fluid and pneumatic supplies, then take the day off Sunday before coming on console early Monday to begin the countdown.Liftoff from Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 is set for 1:28 p.m. EST (1828 GMT) at the opening of a two-hour launch window.
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NASA plans to complete the space station and retire the shuttle by the end of fiscal 2010. The current manifest calls for four more flights this year - in May, August, October and December - four in 2009 and up to three in 2010.
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In the latest squabble between Vice President Joe Biden and the press for instance -- after an event at which Biden made some -- the vice president's aides reportedly tried to of the event to cast Biden's appearance in a more flattering light.(CBS News) We've coveredBut have we covered music-related content in super slow-motion enriched uranium," was "stupid" and "took far too much risk. Logan was sexually assaulted and beaten by a mob in Tahrir Square while reporting a story for "60 Minutes" on the Egyptian Revolution. 12 in the was observational and did not measure cause-and-effect. Michael Bloomberg. if Anyone believes i need rehab thats their own stupidity lol I'm 19 with 5 number one albums, He says he now realizes the law discriminates against gays and provides an excuse for others to discriminate, deputies say 9 boys and two girls - ranging in age from 12 to 17 - came forward saying they were also kicked, there's going to be -- it's not going to be possible to ban assault weapons.
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Posted: January 20, 2005T-00:02.7Engine StartThe Russian-built RD-180 engine rumbles to life and builds to 74 percent thrust. A health check of eight engine parameters is performed by the rocket's onboard computer a half-second before liftoff.T+00:00LiftoffThe sixth and final flight for Atlas 3 begins as the rocket is released from pad 36B at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.T+02:59Booster Engine CutoffThe RD-180 engine is commanded to cut off once minimum residual propellant is sensed inside the Atlas booster stage.T+03:05Atlas/Centaur SeparationSix seconds after engine shutdown, the Atlas booster stage separates from the Centaur upper stage. Over the next several seconds, the Centaur liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen systems are readied for engine ignition and the nozzle extension is deployed.T+03:16Centaur Engine StartMES 1, the longer of the two Centaur firings, begins to inject the upper stage and the classified NRO spacecraft into an initial parking orbit around Earth.T+03:24Jettison Payload FairingThe 14-foot diameter aluminum payload fairing that protected the classified NRO spacecraft during launch is separated once heating levels drop to predetermined limits.T+17:23Centaur Engine CutoffMECO 1 occurs when the single Centaur engine is shut down, with the rocket arriving in a planned parking orbit. The vehicle begins a coast period in its highly inclined orbit before arriving at the required location in space for the second burn.T+74:35Centaur Engine Re-startMES 2 occurs over the South Pacific Ocean. The burn accelerates the vehicle and payload into the required deployment orbit.T+74:58Centaur Engine CutoffAt the point of MECO 2, the Centaur and NRO spacecraft should be in the targeted orbit, completing the powered phase of the launch. The stage then begins aligning to the satellite separation attitude.T+78:33Spacecraft SeparationThe classified National Reconnaissance Office spacecraft is released into orbit from the Centaur upper stage to complete the AC-206 launch, the final flight for Lockheed Martin's Atlas 3 rocket.Data source: International Launch Services.Apollo 11 special patchSpecial collectors' patch marking the 35th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing is now available.Choose your store: - - - Inside Apollo mission controlAn insider's view of how Apollo flight controllers operated and just what they faced when events were crucial. Choose your store: The ultimate Apollo 11 DVD This exceptional chronicle of the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing mission features new digital transfers of film and television coverage unmatched by any other.Choose your store: - - - Next ISS crewOwn a little piece of history with this official patch for the International Space Station's Expedition 11 crew. We'll ship yours today!Choose your store: Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.AC-202 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW
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As CBS News White House correspondent Major Garrett reported Saturday, the U.S. will now send military equipment to the Syrian rebels, and is contemplating a no-fly zone to nullify Syrian air power. Egypt's aggressive moves against Assad might look helpful. But Egyptian Sunni Muslims are likely to back al Qaeda-linked rebels fighting in Syria. These are precisely the jihadist opposition cells the U.S. is trying to isolate.
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Stephen Ayers: It was a cold day as well. So another thing that sticks in my mind is, and one of the things that causes us the most anxiety, is snow. So when snow happens, the night before an inauguration, we really have to bring together hundreds of people to shovel snow and remove snow. You can imagine that entire platform and all of those chairs and walkways and sidewalks and streets, you can't just push the snow out of the way, you have to physically pick it up and remove it. So you know when George Bush was inaugurated during his second inauguration, the night before on the 19th we had several inches of snow and really had to muster and put together our snow removal plan and get rid of all of that snow. So that, I think, causes us the most anxiety.
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: January 14, 2005Initial pictures of Saturn's moon Titan snapped by Europe's Huygens probe during its historic atmospheric descent and touchdown today show an active world likely carved by the flow of cryogenic liquids that may still pool on its frigid surface, a leading planetary scientist says. This raw image was returned by the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer camera onboard the European Space Agency's Huygens probe after the probe descended through the atmosphere of Titan. It shows the surface of Titan with ice blocks strewn around. The size and distance of the blocks will be determined when the image is properly processed. Credit: ESA/NASA/University of ArizonaLarger than Pluto and Mercury, Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere and researchers expected Huygens to find a truly alien landscape under the smoggy haze. They got what they wanted."Surprises are always the things that get you," said Torrence Johnson, a member of NASA's Cassini imaging team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "We'd hoped for a strange surface, it's always nice to see something like a science fiction movie or whatever, but this is exceeding our expectations."I mean, this is not a landscape filled with impact craters and a few ridges and hills. It's an active, living place that's interacting with its atmosphere just like Earth and ancient Mars did. And yet it's doing this in a completely different environment, where it's not water and rain from clouds of water that are doing things. You're dealing with what we would regard as cryogenic things here on the Earth, cold liquid gases, basically, and yet it's producing a place that looks strangely familiar."The European Space Agency released three images from Huygens' camera late today, showing the looming surface from 10 miles up, from five miles and finally, from the surface itself. The first image shows what appear to be erosion-carved gullies snaking down through light-shaded terrain to what looks like a long shoreline bordering a dark, featureless plain. Or lake.Scientists speculated for years that ethane and methane should exist in liquid form on Titan's surface because of the nature of its nitrogen-dominated atmosphere, low temperatures and other factors. But recent ground-based observations seemed to rule out the possibility of global oceans. Initial data from the Cassini orbiter that carried Huygens to Titan found no definitive evidence of smaller bodies of liquids.But the Huygens photo indicates liquids almost certainly flowed in the past, if not the present. They also show light-shaded areas seen in Cassini orbiter photos likely are slightly elevated and that darker areas are relatively flat, lower-lying features. The latter are candidates for past or present lakes or flood plains. This is one of the first raw images returned by the ESA Huygens probe during its successful descent. It was taken from an altitude of 16.2 kilometres with a resolution of approximately 40 metres per pixel. It apparently shows short, stubby drainage channels leading to a shoreline. Credit: ESA/NASA TV"This picture, many people have told me, that looks something like the Earth, sort of like Mars," Johnson said. "The reason it has that impression to you is that is an eroded surface, you see things that look like channels and so forth. When you look at the moon, when you look at the uplands of Mars, you don't see that, you see barren landscapes with impact craters on them. So this is telling us for sure, this is an active area."It also implies very strongly that the light area is, in fact, slightly elevated because you don't have stream channels that run up hill. They all run downhill, and it looks like a lot of that darker area is, in fact, smooth, dark area. Now, we don't know whether that's liquid now, but it certainly looks like liquid and in this case, water is not what we're talking about. On Mars, when you're talking liquid and liquid erosion, you're talking water. On Titan, what you're talking about with the temperatures at Titan's surface, less than 300 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, the only thing that's liquid is natural gas. And that's coming out of the atmosphere, liquid ethane and methane."So these channels have probably been cut in slightly elevated ice, which is playing the role of rock, and then producing tarry substances that run down hill and make these smooth areas," Johnson said. "How long ago that occurred, whether there's still liquid in some of those areas, we don't know. But a picture like that can really start unlocking some of the mysteries we've been debating about looking at the data from the orbiter. And in turn, that means we can take the orbiter data and get a much better global perspective about what's going on on Titan." An artist's concept shows Huygens parachuting to Titan after deployment from the Cassini orbiter. Credit: EADS AstriumThe picture Huygens snapped on the surface of Titan showed what looks like rocks strewn over a plain stretching away to a hazy horizon. The scene looked remarkably similar to pictures taken by the Mars rover, Spirit, in Gusev Crater. But Huygens didn't spot silicon-based rocks like those on Earth."It's probably ice, water ice," Johnson said. "Water ice is a really good rock at the temperatures at Titan's surface. Again, to a geologist, that shouts erosion and you see the blocks are rounded like rocks in the bottom of a stream bed on Earth."While no liquids are visible in the picture, "I think most of my geological colleagues would agree that what's happened here, we're probably looking at an area that's flowed out from someplace that has been eroded by these ethane, methane liquids, it carried ice boulders of water ice with them, rounded them in the process and left them in sort of an outwash plain."Johnson said the data seen today represents "the tip of the iceberg.""These are just a few snippets out of the data set from the images alone," he said. "We also have a vast array of chemical data about the atmosphere. ... In the next few days, we'll start getting detailed read outs about what's in the atmosphere, what's raining down on the surface and what that surface looks like in great detail."Stay tuned!Video coverage for subscribers only:VIDEO:THE FIRST PICTURE FROM HUYGENS IS REVEALED VIDEO:HUYGENS POST-LANDING NEWS BRIEFING VIDEO:STATUS REPORT DURING DESCENT AUDIO:TODAY'S STATUS REPORT DURING DESCENT VIDEO:HUYGENS PRE-ARRIVAL NEWS BRIEFING AUDIO:HUYGENS PRE-ARRIVAL NEWS BRIEFING VIDEO:OVERVIEW OF HUYGENS PROBE'S SCIENCE OBJECTIVES VIDEO:JULY NEWS BRIEFING ON CASSINI'S PICTURES OF TITAN VIDEO:PICTURES SHOWING TITAN SURFACE FROM OCT. FLYBY VIDEO:WHAT'S KNOWN ABOUT TITAN BEFORE THE FIRST FLYBY VIDEO:NARRATED MOVIE OF CLOUDS MOVING NEAR SOUTH POLE VIDEO:OCT. BRIEFING ON RADAR IMAGES OF TITAN SURFACE Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Plasma noise burst welcomes Cassini at Saturn UNIVERSITY OF IOWA NEWS RELEASEPosted: June 29, 2004Although the Cassini spacecraft is scheduled to officially arrive at theplanet Saturn on June 30, scientists studying the planet's magnetospherereceived an official welcome on June 27 when a burst of plasma wave noiseindicated that Cassini had crossed the planet's bow shock -- the regionwhere charged particles flowing outward from the sun collide with Saturn'smagnetic field or magnetosphere.University of Iowa Space Physicist Don Gurnett, head of the team that isanalyzing radio and plasma wave emissions, says, "This is exciting. Afternearly seven years, we finally got there! This marks the beginning of thescientific investigation for the people who will study the planet'smagnetosphere."Bill Kurth, Cassini team member and UI senior research scientist, comparedthe bow shock to a sonic boom."The bow shock is similar to a jet aircraft sonic boom that forms across thefront of the plane. The charged particles flowing from the sun, called thesolar wind, pass Saturn and the other planets at a speed of about onemillion miles an hour. We can compare the position of the bow shock with thepressure of the solar wind to learn something about the size of Saturn'smagnetosphere and how much its size is controlled by the solar wind," hesays.The June 27 Cassini bow shock crossing occurred at a distance of 49.2 Saturnradii (2.97 million kilometers or 1.84 million miles) from Saturn and standsin contrast to first encounters by previous spacecraft, all of which tookplace much closer to the planet. The Pioneer spacecraft first crossedSaturn's bow shock at 23.7 Saturn radii, while Voyager 1 and Voyager 2recorded crossings at 26.2 and 31.9 Saturn radii, respectively. Gurnett saysthe difference between Cassini and the other spacecraft is probably due todifferent flight trajectories."Cassini has encountered the bow shock quite a bit further out because thespacecraft is coming in from the side of the planet. So our approach angleis different from those of the other craft, primarily because Cassini isgoing to be placed into orbit about Saturn, while the other spacecraft madefly-bys," he says.The radio sounds of Saturn and other sounds of space can be heard byvisiting Gurnett's Web site at: Cassini, carrying 12 scientific instruments, is on its way to the June 30,2004 planetary rendezvous, when it will become the first spacecraft to orbitSaturn and begin a four-year study of the planet, its rings and its 31 knownmoons. The spacecraft is part of the Cassini-Huygens Mission that includesthe Huygens probe, a six-instrument European Space Agency probe, scheduledto land on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, in January 2005.The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the EuropeanSpace Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. manages the Cassini-Huygensmission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. JPL designed,developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter.Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Probe travels to surface of Saturn's moon Titan Friday BY WILLIAM HARWOOD
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Washington's decision comes after several military setbacks for the rebels and as Lebanon's Hezbollah militia becomes increasingly involved, fighting alongside Assad's forces. The Iranian-backed Hezbollah's role was key in the capture of the strategic rebel-held town of Qusair earlier this month.
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The trip was in the works "for weeks, if not months," Mouaz Mustafa, the executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force who was with McCain all day, told CBS News' Clarissa Ward. "It's something the senator has wanted to do for quite some time because he's pro-active on the subject of the U.S. being more directly involved in Syria and helping to create the necessary changes on the ground to end the conflict."
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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: March 28, 2009Cosmonaut Gennady Padalka took over manual control and guided the Soyuz TMA-14 spacecraft to a smooth docking with the international space station today to cap a two-day orbital chase that began with blastoff Thursday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.Sailing 220 miles above central Asia, the Soyuz capsule's forward docking mechanism engaged its counterpart on the Zvezda command module's aft port at 9:05 a.m., a few minutes ahead of schedule."We have contact... we have capture," someone said. "We have capture.""Congratulations," Russian flight control radioed."Thank you," Padalka replied.The Russians typically take two 90-minute orbits to complete post-docking leak checks before hatches between the two spacecraft can be opened.Returning to the space station for a second tour of duty as commander, Padalka was joined by NASA flight engineer Michael Barratt, a physician-astronaut making his first flight, and Charles Simonyi, a wealthy software developer making his second paid trip to the station.Today's approach to the station was uneventful until a few minutes before docking when Padalka was told to abort the Soyuz's automated approach and to take over manual control at a distance of a few hundred feet. The veteran cosmonaut had no problems with the final approach, commenting at one point that it was "just like the simulations."Russian managers said later the automated control system had problems with a specific thruster, prompting the call for manual control.Padalka and Barratt are replacing outgoing Expedition 18 commander Mike Fincke and flight engineer Yury Lonchakov, who were launched to the outpost last October. Their crewmate, newly arrived Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, will join Padalka and Barratt to form the station's 19th full-time crew.Another Soyuz is scheduled for launch May 27 to carry three more crew members to the station: cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, European Space Agency astronaut Frank De Winne of Belgium and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Robert Thirsk. The transition to a six-person crew marks a major milestone in the evolution of the international space station.Fincke and Lonchakov will spend the next 10 days or so in a handover period, familiarizing their replacements with the intricacies of station operation. If all goes well, Fincke, Lonchakov and Simonyi will return to Earth on April 7, landing in Kazakhstan aboard the same Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft that carried the outgoing station crew to orbit last October.Simonyi, a Hungarian-born software developer, is the first private citizen to make two trips to the international space station. Such flights list for about $35 million each."I think it will be an interesting experience," Simonyi said in a telephone interview before launch. "I had a discussion with Sergei Krikalev, who is probably the most experienced cosmonaut in the world, and he told me the big difference between going first and going second, the first time people just learn how to live in space. And the second time, one can actually accomplish work, really work effectively."During his second visit, Simonyi plans to chat with school kids via ham radio, write about his experiences on his web site and help Russian engineers calibrate space radiation sensors.While he will spend most of his time in the Russian segment of the station, "with the permission of the commander I can go to other segments as well, and I plan to visit the American segment as well as the two new segments that weren't there before, the Japanense and the European segments."There is a lot of room. The way I describe it, it is the size of three city buses. And now, they've added two more RVs on the side with the European and the Japanese segments. So if you have three people up there, it's enormous. With six people, it will still be very, very comfortable and you can hide if you want and get solitude and privacy if you want."While Simonyi would not discuss how much he actually paid for his second trip, he said "the price is going up. Future seats that NASA has bought are even more expensive. This has to be put into perspective because other means of getting to space are even more expensive, so this one is actually quite cost effective at the current state of technology."Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:FULL EXPERIENCE FROM LIFTOFF TO ORBIT VIDEO:SOYUZ ROCKET LAUNCHES EXPEDITION 19 VIDEO:THREE CAMERA REPLAYS OF THE LAUNCH VIDEO:NARRATED HIGHLIGHTS OF CREW'S LAUNCH PREPS VIDEO:CROWD WELCOMES CREW AT BAIKONUR PAD VIDEO:CREW DEPARTS SITE 254 FOR LAUNCH PAD VIDEO:VIPS MEET THE CREW ON LAUNCH MORNING VIDEO:CREW MEMBERS DON THEIR SOKOL SPACESUITS VIDEO:LAUNCH MORNING TRADITIONS AT CREW QUARTERS VIDEO:SOYUZ MOVED TO LAUNCH PAD FOR EXPEDITION 19 VIDEO:ROCKET HOISTED VERTICALLY ONTO LAUNCH PAD VIDEO:INTERVIEW WITH ISS DEPUTY PROGRAM MANAGER VIDEO:INTERVIEW WITH FORMER ISS COMMANDER VIDEO:ASSEMBLY OF SOYUZ ROCKET COMPLETED VIDEO:HIGHLIGHTS OF CREW'S ACTIVITIES AT BAIKONUR VIDEO:EXPEDITION 19 CREW PRE-FLIGHT BRIEFING Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Space planes, rocket launches on UK's wish list SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: July 17, 2014 FARNBOROUGH, England -- The British government has announced plans to develop a spaceport, revealing candidate sites across the United Kingdom and fostering closer ties with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to revamp regulations and lure space tourism, and potentially small satellite launches, to Britain. Artist's concept of a UK spaceport. Credit: UK Space AgencyThe announcement Tuesday is the latest move by the government to expand Britain's space industry, which grew by 7.2 percent over the last two years, according to David Parker, head of the UK Space Agency.Parker said the expansion made the UK space business an ?11.3 billion, or about $19 billion, industry employing 34,300 people.The government announced it would raise its contributions to the European Space Agency, including its involvement in the International Space Station, in 2012. Last year, the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne committed ?60 million, or nearly $100 million, to an air-breathing rocket engine for the Skylon space plane being studied by Reaction Engines Ltd."What are the new opportunities in space? Commercial spaceflight, we believe, is one of those opportunities that could matter for the UK," Parker said. "In the years to come, we see the need for providing low-cost access to space, not only for our existing low-cost satellites but also the opportunity for the person on the street to go to space -- the opportunity for space tourism."Aviation minister Robert Goodwill revealed eight candidates to host a future British spaceport:Campbeltown Airport (Scotland)Glasgow Prestwick Airport (Scotland)Llanbedr Airport (Wales)Newquay Cornwall Airport (England)Kinloss Barracks (Scotland)RAF Leuchars (Scotland)RAF Lossiemouth (Scotland)Stornorway Airport (Scotland)The British Civil Aviation Authority did a study on potential spaceport locations, recommending the facility be placed at an existing airport rather than start a fresh development.Goodwill said the site will need transport links by land sea and air, and they must be secluded from large population centers and busy air space. The spaceport will also need a 3,000-meter, or 10,000-foot, runway."These areas meet the criteria, but I could stress other areas in the UK may also do so," Goodwill said.Six of the locations are in Scotland, and the spaceport initiative could change its plans based on the outcome of the Scottish independence referendum in September, officials said.The spaceport should be ready for operations by 2018, according to Goodwill.The British government also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federal Aviation Administration, which oversees regulations for commercial space launches, space tourism and spaceport operations in the United States.The non-binding agreement establishes a foundation for cooperation in commercial space transportation between the FAA and UK authorities, said George Nield, the FAA's associate administrator for commercial space transportation.The FAA will share information on its work in developing licensing regulations for space launches and passenger spaceflights, Nield said.According to Nield, the memorandum will "serve as starting point if there's a need for the government to issue regulations in the future."The FAA uses a licensing regime for commercial spaceflight instead of certification, which Nield says could stifle growth in the burgeoning industry. Regular commercial airlines must be certified by the FAA before flight operations."We're the first European country to take the challenge of space plane regulations seriously," Goodwill said of the British government initiative."Space planes are currently regulated as aircraft because they use lift to go through the atmosphere, but in the short term, what we're going to do is treat them as experimental aircraft, which is, of course, what they are," Goodwill said.Officials want to attract future operators of suborbital space planes, such as Virgin Galactic, XCOR Aerospace and Swiss Space Systems, for space tourism jaunts. Small satellite launchers could also operate from the British spaceport.The Civil Aviation Authority's spaceport review included discussions with space tourism companies, according to Catherine Mealing-Jones, director of growth at the UK Space Agency.Mealing-Jones said the UK wants to evaluate best practices in the industry, and she says the FAA is currently the global standard for developing and implementing commercial spaceflight regulations.Executives from U.S.-based Virgin Galactic and XCOR attended Tuesday's announcement here.Andrew Nelson, chief operating officer of XCOR, said suborbital space planes are the natural first users of a British spaceport, calling them the "low-hanging fruit" before moving on to satellite launches."I think the seriousness which which the UK government took on this task was impressive and something to be commended," said George Whitesides, CEO of Virgin Galactic.Virgin Galactic and XCOR are working on space planes to take paying passengers on brief flights to the edge of space, where tourists can experience a few minutes of weightlessness and enjoy dazzling views.Goodwill participated in the announcement at the Farnborough International Airshow here the same day British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled a shake-up in the government's cabinet.Former space minister David Willetts was replaced by Greg Clark in the government's reshuffle.Andy Green, president of the British trade association UKspace, lauded the work of Willetts in his four-year tenure. The period saw the establishment of a new European Space Agency facility in Harwell, England, and an increase in spending on space programs by the British government."It's a testament that the space industry in Britain is once again competent and flourishing," Goodwill said.ESA also announced the first professional British astronaut, Tim Peake, will fly to the International Space Station on a six-month flight beginning in late 2015."We're beginning to move in front of the curve," Green said. "We're beginning to dream the dream, and I think that's what matters in thinking about what the next steps are for all of us."Lockheed Martin plans to open a space technology office at the UK Space Gateway in Harwell, the company said Tuesday."We want the UK to be at the forefront of the next stage of spaceflight," Goodwill said.Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: .Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. --> | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Space shuttle launch times no longer a secret BY WILLIAM HARWOOD
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